
The owner, maker, and cake decorator behind Bloom’s Flowercake. I am a self-taught baking enthusiast who, growing up, enjoyed baking and cooking a lot. In the beginning, it was just a hobby, but then it grew and became addictive, and now sharing the passion I have for baking has proudly become my daily task.

About - Past (Background Image)


This journey began as a dream in 2017 when I stumbled upon a realistic buttercream flower cake on the YouTube channel (ggcakcraft). That moment was a turning point, and after attending an offline class, my interest blossomed. I've since dedicated countless hours to practicing, taken several online courses, and even travelled back to Malaysia for an intensive advanced course. The road was filled with trial and error, but my determination never waned.


Beyond baking, I'm also a full-time mom. Balancing motherhood with my passion, amidst the endless household chores, is a real challenge, yet being a mom is a role I cherish deeply. Creating beautiful, realistic buttercream flower cakes has become a form of meditation and self-expression for me. It's an opportunity to lead by example for my children, showing them the value of pursuing what one loves and creating meaningful work. I'm endlessly grateful for my supportive family, especially my husband, whose unwavering support has been my rock.

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I am thankful every day for the opportunity to turn my passion into a career. Having a job that brings such fulfillment is truly a blessing. Life is unpredictable and sometimes doesn't make sense, but occasionally, it aligns perfectly. If you're reading this and struggling with life's decisions, remember to explore all your options. Sometimes, the most unlikely choice is the one that opens new doors.


By sharing my story, I hope to inspire you to chase your dreams, no matter how small. Remember, everything happens for a reason. Embrace the tears, laugh amidst the confusion, and remember, it's okay not to be okay sometimes.

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Look through our menu and try out our selection of cakes.